Everyone has favorite movies that capture certain times in our lives. Although the years pass, these iconic movies hold up and always hold a special place in our memories. 2015 is a year full of famous movie anniversaries. I have illustrated some of the most iconic quotes from these movies and illustrated them. I built the illustrations in Illustrator and Photoshop, and wrote the accompanying article. Also for Paste Magazine, I collaborated with the Book Editor to create graphics for different literary quotes, including romantic literary quotes for Valentine's Day, The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy quotes, and Lois Lowry quotes.

Jaws - 1975 - 40th Anniversary

Home Alone - 1990 - 25th Anniversary

The Goonies - 1985 - 30th Anniversary

Jumanji - 1995 - 20th Anniversary

Toy Story - 1995 - 20th Anniversary

Back To The Future - 1985 - 30th Anniversary

Rocky Horror Picture Show - 1975 - 40th Anniversary