Welcome to the Extra Projects page! Here you’ll find a collection of personal and side projects I’ve worked on for friends and family, or just for fun. These are always some of my favorite projects to do because they let me explore and make my friends smile. Look for descriptions below each item.

Two animations I made for fun. One was for national donut day and the other was to show support for Pride Month 2017.

This was a small typographic tribute I created to honor the funky, fantastic Prince. He was an amazing musician and influenced so many people with his art. I chose to illustrate one of my favorite songs, Let’s Go Crazy. I was inspired by his 1999 album cover along with his music and his general affinity for purple. I do not own this title or lyrics.

Here is a fun chalkboard quote from one of my favorite movies, The Princess Bride. I was practicing my chalkboard lettering skills and testing out different techniques. “Have fun storming the castle”

These next ones are some custom lettering I did for a friend. They were the names of two of his vehicles. I tried to make the lettering portray the different features and styles of the vehicles.

This was a silly illustration I did using digital painting. It was for my little niece Sydney who loves hockey. I wanted to make some fun, bright, and loose feeling, like a cartoon of her in action.